We couldn't help noticing that there is a 2:1 like vs dislike on our last 2 messages concerning leaving Bitchute - that means there are way more of you feeling either way.
Given the processing issues in Bitchute, we can't provide timely video news w/o a LOT of massaging, republishing, & republishing again. Even under normal Bitchute circumstances, we have had to do this multiple times during the course of the day. We have better things to do & you deserve to see the news videos soonest. So for the moment, the latest news videos will be found on Brighteon (https://brighteon.com/channels/DcisiveLibertyNews).
Brighteon is working out well in the 'no-need-to-massage-republish-and-republish-again' department, however, we're still looking into other platforms during the coming weeks to see what they have to offer and how they fit. We're also having discussions of having the videos on our own website, once launched as we have gained a second private server. All this is just thinking out loud for right now. We'll see what happens.
That said, we have decided to keep posting the longer, less-timely videos here while using Brighteon for the timely videos. To publish the timely videos here on Bitchute would only mean you would be seeing something that has already updated, edited. and/or yesterday's news.
That will mean some adjustments on our part that may affect you. Currently, we are a Gold member with Bitchute which provides lots as well as long playlists - that will be cut down to 12 playlists and much shorter as we will. for the time being, downgrading from Gold to Bronze. We will monitor this to be sure that this is sufficient or if we need to kick our membership with Bitchute up a notch.
It also means a change in the channel name from Decisive Liberty News and Documentaries to Decisive Liberty News Documentaries
Truthfully, we can't justify a Gold level of membership with Bitchute with a reduction in video services to you. We will be publishing less frequently, however, the quality will still remain the best we can provide with each video. As an aggregator, we are at the whims of the creative flow that is going on out here - but thank God there does not seem to be a lack thereof. :-)
Thank you for being with us - to gain 2 million-plus views in 6 weeks was phenomenal! And only we could only do it because of YOU! THANK YOU!