Just How Effective Can A Sheriff Be: He is the only law officer that is elected by the people...
Available 14-Jan-2023 10 pm ET
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The office of the sheriff began in ancient England, 9th century A.D., under the reign of Alfred the Great...
From the creators of the viral documentary film, NONCOMPLIANT, Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall and Evangelical Pastor J.C. Hall expose the true history and duty of our most important elected official in America, THE SHERIFF.
How did the Sheriff transform from a blind enforcer of the King, into a defender of the rights of the people?
Discover this fascinating history while you watch the amazing stories unfold of 2 modern-day Sheriffs. One who submits to the pressure from a tyrannical overreaching government, while the other leans on his constitutional training & faith in God in order to protect the rights of a local pastor & his congregation - standing against an evil global initiative, authoritarian federal mandates, and a totalitarian state governor...
What is it about the role of THE SHERIFF that makes this the most impactful film of 2023 that oppressive government officials & the mainstream media don't want you to know about?
Why has this knowledge been hidden and kept from you? From our modern-day law enforcement?
Featuring KrisAnne Hall, J.C. Hall, Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown, Pastor Caleb Cooper