On the health front, what is happening right now?
Where are we?
What are we seeing happening in the coming days, weeks, month?
Remember our phrase, "Watch the shell game, not the shells"...
Omicron is spreading like wildfire, which means it will also extinguish itself just as quickly. It is too weak to build itself into anything strong - and it will leave a trail of herd immunity...
The politicians have been and are in a fear-mongering mode for 2 years, their 'handlers' don't have to tell them what to do as they are now on auto-mode - it is a reflex by now. What the politicians and alphabet medical organizations still AREN'T used to is our push back and lately there has been a LOT of push back.
In 2 years time, America's Frontline Doctors is now nation wide in every State and are forming medical agencies and plans that follow their stance for medical freedom. In other words, they dropped the hospitals and plans they used to belong to (which meant they had to follow the NIH protocols) and are reforming independents as we had before Obamacare destroyed everything. This couldn't be done before as way too many doctors took an early retirement as well as enrollments to medical school dropped drastically when Obamacare was looking like a certainty.
Will there be accountability coming? Will Trump be in the Oval Office once again? That accountability will be at the national level - the States (We the People) will have to determine what happens at their level unless the person(s) did something at the Federal level that justifies including them on the national roundup.